100 Inning Game
On Saturday, February 15, 2020, we will hold our 5th Annual 100-Inning Game Fundraiser. This event is for the entire West Houston Thunder program and will be a great opportunity early in the season for the boys to play a lot of baseball, get to know each other better and raise money along the way. Here is some information on how it works:
ď‚·Fundraising Information:
- Players will use the letter and pledge card (found below) to get neighbors, relatives, friends, etc. to support the Program by pledging any amount per inning. There is no minimum or maximum set on the pledges per inning or total amount a player can raise.
Per Inning Total Amount
$0.10 $10.00
$0.25 $25.00
$1.00 $100.00
Etc... Etc...
- After the game has been played, the players will collect and turn in the pledges.
- Awards will be given for the most number of pledges and the most money raised.
- The funds raised will reduce the fees that you have to pay for this season.
Game Information:
- The game will be played at MALL.
- To start the game, one team will take the field and play the top half of 5 innings (15 outs).
- After each 3rd out, the bases will be cleared.
- After the 15th out, the teams will switch to play the bottom half of those innings; the fielding team will come in to bat and the batting team will take the field.
- This sequence will continue until all 100 innings have been played.
Schedule Information:
- The event will start at 8:00am.
- Elementary and half of Intermediate will play the first 20 innings.
- The other half of Intermediate and Junior High will play 25 innings.
- Parents and Alumni will play 25 innings - REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR ADULTS (Click here to register).
- JV and Varsity will play the last 30 innings.
- We realize this will be a long day but we are encouraging the older players to be there to cheer on and get to know the younger players in the morning and asking the younger players to stick around to cheer on and support the Junior High and High School Players in the afternoon.
Other Information:
- The concession stand will be open throughout the day and lunch will be available.
- We will take a group picture after the event so please stick around.
- Please invite friends and family and come watch the Thunder players in action.
This event is mandatory for all players in order to make it a success.
Joe McDonald
West Houston Thunder Homeschool Baseball President