Board of directors
The Board of Directors role is to facilitate the growth and quality of the West Houston Thunder baseball program. This is done through:
Working with the Athletic Director and Coaches to continually improve our level of instruction and competitiveness on the field, while striving to honor God in all we do.
Being proper stewards of the funds that come into the program, striving to keep costs to a minimum while delivering a quality program.
Recruiting new players to the program.
Working with various Board appointed committees to carry out specific tasks, such as the Spring Banquet, Facility upgrades, etc...
John Gilson
Fundraising Chairjgilson@westhoustonthunder.orgTara Gilson
Photography Chairtgilson@westhoustonthunder.orgJames Koch
Treasurerjkoch@westhoustonthunder.orgDori Wintill
Thunder Gear Chairdwintill@westhoustonthunder.orgAndrew McCall
Athletic DirectorFacilities Chairamccall@westhoustonthunder.orgTina McCall
Hospitalitytmccall@westhoustonthunder.orgJoe McDonald
President jmcdonald@westhoustonthunder.orgKim McDonald
While the Board of Directors does provide leadership to the program, it is incapable of doing all of the work required to make the Thunder successful. The following Committees have been established for the purpose of carrying out the day to day work that is necessary. These Committees are chaired by one of the members of the Board of Directors and are made up of a number of other volunteers. We encourage you to get involved in one of these committees to share you talents and abilities with Thunder Nation. Click below to learn more about what these Committees do and how you can get involved.